
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Forget Me Nots..

Shepherd...19 months

Clearly, we need bigger shirts.
Little man, you are 19 months old and you are my little buddy. You and your daddy have gotten to be great pals and you go nuts every time he comes home. You love to rough house and play games with your dad, but you let me snuggle with you in the morning. I am completely OK with this arrangement.

In honor of 19 months of life with Shepherd, here is a list of 19 things I want to capture about Shep at this time:

*You are slow to get up in the is one of my favorite things about roll and   squirm around in your crib for a few minutes before you stand to let me pick you up. It makes me wonder what it will be like to get you up for school. :)
*You have white blond hair with little curls in the back which I'm kind of obsessed with. I still haven't cut it even though I've been saying I need to for weeks...
*You like to give Gus hugs...more than he likes to receive them.
*You can throw a dramatic tantrum...head banging on the floor, rolling around...they are impressive and thankfully, short lived.
*You know lots of your body parts..all of your face and now your knees, elbows, hands and toes.
*You are OBSESSED with is your favorite word and you say it for all types of food, alllll day long.
*You have most of your teeth! You are cutting your 4 incisors right now and you will have a full set minus your 2nd year molars
Watching the Olympics.
*You like to sing "Ashes, Ashes" while spinning in a circle and "E-I-E-I" with out the O.
*You just learned how to kick your feet in the tub and your daddy taught you how to yell underwater.
*You love pick out which ones you want to wear and you try to walk in your daddy's.
*You now like smoothies, which is how we sneak in lots of milk and vegetables.
*You love to play with trucks, and you sit on them even though they are way too small for your body.
*You are brave in all things except sliding down this you need a little coaxing.
*You love books and being read to.
*You have this habit of clawing food out of your mouth when you're told you can't have's awesome...
*You're getting better at drinking from a cup.
*You love to stand at the window and yell Ella's's so funny, she has no idea you really exist and it reminds us for Great Expectations...Steeellllaaa!
*You come to me with your "owies", and let me kiss them away.
*Lion King is your favorite'd watch it every day if we'd let you.

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