
Monday, August 27, 2012

First day of school...sort of

Love this ornery face.
So as a teacher, the first day of school always made me kind of anxious. But as an observer I LOVE it--all the excitement without any of the nerves. So this was my first "1st day" in five years not be greeting new students...and yeah, I missed it some. It's a fun day! But to be honest, it was wonderful to be able to walk in the school with Shep man, drop off treats in the teacher's lounge, and just...walk out.

Our first day today was an excitement of a different sort. My plan was to feed my picky eater a healthy breakfast since he's had an upset stomach lately and has refused all food that's good for him. Then run by the store and drop off treats at the school for the staff early enough to catch my old team on their planning time.
Best laid plans. 
Shep woke up in a horrible mood, angry that his daddy wasn't there and spent 20 minutes crying "Dada bye bye." Then he found the cheerios in the pantry and threw an EPIC tantrum when I took them away. I'm talking, roll around on the floor screaming, hyperventilating, my toddler life is over, fit. Nothing worked, bananas, eggs, singing, even a visit from the dogs could not calm this kid down. So much for my healthy breakfast.

So I caved, I let him eat only cheerios for breakfast, and was about to throw him in the car when I realized both our dogs had escaped from our backyard. So we're out in the front yard, looking super classy, pregnant, in my husband's robe and his flip flops yelling for our dogs while Shep calmly dips his fist over and over into the cheerios box. Thankfully the dogs make it back home on their own, so Shep and I throw on cute outfits for our fist day of school visit.

It's not till I'm almost to the school when I realize I still have Erron's flip flops on. I've managed to make through the grocery store without even noticing...this clearly kills my look as a 'got it together mom', so I gotta turn around and try again.

This whole thing is funny to me because I've spent the last 4 days changing about a zillion toxic diapers not to mention the piles of pee and poo off the floor from when I let Shep run around naked to air out a diaper rash. But I still LOVE that this is what I'm doing today. Chasing dogs, changing diapers and going shopping in shoes that are way too big for my feet, I'll take it.


  1. This was so funny! I love that you look at it as humorous and don't get too upset. Im telling you Allie, it's the secret of motherhood!. Well that and consistency. Enjoy every minute. And keep writing it down for all to enjoy. You are doing Great!

  2. Hello! I just came across your blog in search of info on Maternity21. Do you have an update on results from NT? Have you had an anatomy u/s yet? all ok with cardiac defects? thanks for your information!

    1. Yes, we got negative results...which is what we were hoping for, that means they did not see any extra 21 chromosomes. If an anatomy U/S is different from a regular one, we haven't done that, but we've had two other sono's since the test and baby's heart as well as all the other anatomy looks great. My doc seems confident in the Maternity21 results. :)
