
Friday, July 27, 2012

Joing the Club

I know what you might be thinking, I know what I would be thinking. Another brand new stay at home mom with more time on her hands so of course she'll need to start her very own blog while her kids are napping! OK. Part of it is true, Shep actually is asleep and I am writing my first post instead of dealing with the clothes in the dryer that I have dried 3 times so they don't get wrinkled. But, I have a slightly more understanding perspective on mommy blogs...I get now how time can move really slow and fast all at once and before you know it, you start to forget exactly what it was like when you try to think back on it all. And with blogs, unlike journals, or scrap booking, I HATE scrap booking, you can easily attach your pictures to go with the there it is in a nutshell. This is a glorified online diary, and I can attempt to make it look cute.

Also, there is one more thing.

Anyone who knows me really well would laugh out loud at the idea of me starting a blog. Blythe, I can actually hear you laughing in my head right now. And it's true. I am technologically stuck in the early 90's. I can facebook, check e-mail, look up trivial information on the Internet, and construct a word document, put new music on my i-phone, SOMETIMES...other times I wipe out the whole thing. That is the full extent of my tech skills. If someone from my old school is reading this, I'm sure they are thinking how in the WORLD did you not get fired on the spot!? It's true, and I don't know how.
So the whole blog idea both interests and scares me to death. I hate feeling stupid and working with technology is the fastest way to make me feel like a first class moron. I'm the girl who crashes our lap top by literally touching it. My family will testify. Even setting up this blog was disastrous. My sweet husband had to finally step in and help out because 40 minutes into it I was so frustrated and flustered I was in tears and all my words came out as four letter words. It was unattractive, but not unexpected. So I decided I would conquer this blog phobia and not let it beat me. I really don't care if no one reads it, the fact that I can even attach a picture to my profile is a victory. Which is one of the reasons I titled the blog "Baby Steps." Aside from the obvious "little children running around"connotation, this whole blog process will be a series of baby-steps for me. I will learn how to do this, one tiny step at a time.
For now though, I have to fold those dang clothes in the dryer.

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