
Friday, August 24, 2012

Test Results

This week we got our results. My sweet mom was driving down from Oklahoma to spend a few days waiting them out with me when Erron called me from work with the news. That's right, I had them call my husband instead of me, but in my defense, Erron keeps a clear head and can ask the right questions when needed to. This girl, on the other hand, can get lost in a moment and forget she ever knew how to think rationally, ever.

Going into the week we knew we would find out our non invasive Maternity 21 test results between Monday and Wednesday. Erron prayed for us Sunday night and Monday morning I woke up with an unnatural calmness. I felt at peace with whatever would happen but I also felt  hopeful. Now, I'm usually a worst case scenario person, I rarely hope for the best outcome, because I don't what the heartache when it doesn't happen. But Erron challenged me on this last week. He admitted he was struggling with the same thought pattern but decided that there was no point in asking God for a healthy baby if we didn't believe it could be done. We decided from that day on we would pray with expectancy. So, back to Monday, it was such a weird feeling, because I really felt fine with either outcome, but more than that, I felt like the outcome would be good.

He called me with good news. Praise the Lord.  I must have asked Erron a million times what the genetic counselor said exactly and finally I just called her back myself to hear the words out of her own mouth.

So going into this month's ultrasound the thing I'm thinking the most about it gender which feels nice. If I'm 100% honest, I still have a little twinge of nervousness, the counselor said they'd still keep an eye on the elevated fluid on our baby's neck but that it could go away on its own, or be a non issue, and Down's Syndrome is no longer a main concern.

In a way, as stressful as this has been, and as much as I'd LOOOVE to have a normal, absolutely boring pregnancy, it has been an awesome experience for Erron and I to share together. I am impressed by him and his leadership of our little family. He has been faithful and steady which has been a huge blessing to me. It's SUPER cheesy (I promise I'm not normally so mushy) but I feel pretty great about facing any future challenges not just with this pregnancy, but in general, because I have such confidence in him as a husband and a father. Erron if you are reading this, I think this should earn me dinner out at a place that serves fried pickles. Just saying. :)

1 comment:

  1. Allie, I am so excited for you and I completely understand your anxiety! Pregnancy was a hard thing for me to deal with also (4 miscarriages) and I want you to know I think you are a brave, strong mama! :) God will take care of you and your precious family!
