
Sunday, August 12, 2012


Isaiah 41:13For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

I have though a lot about fear in the last few days. I admit I've had an unhealthy share of fear this past weekend. Last night I had a dream our results came back and something was very wrong with our baby and the doctors were trying to explain it to me and I couldn't understand any of the words they were using. I've been fearful that even if our test results came back normal, something will be wrong with the placenta again and our baby's health will be in jeapordy the longer I carry it. So. Much. Fear.

For what? What can I do about it? Nothing. And the thing is, even if something is wrong, even if this baby needs to come early again, I know in my head I have the God of the universe holding my hand.  And even thinking about that fact brings me so much peace.  I just need my heart to rest in that. So that's my challenge this week as we continue to wait for results. To live out each day in peace, not to wait anxiously, but to live each day this week fully invested in what I've already been blessed with. Erron, Shepherd, our family and friends.

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