
Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy mama

It's been a while since I wrote, life has just been busy and not all that exciting...but still so good. I gotta keep updating this thing though, or it defeats the purpose and I will have no documentation of this time in our lives at all...especially since I have started like 6 photo books and have yet to figure out how to successfully complete one on Shutterfly...

Anyway, short update, lots of pics:
Charlotte is growing well so far...I'm 22 weeks tomorrow and nearing the size I was when I HAD Shep..I'd be hyperventilating if this was my first go round, but since getting bigger at a much faster rate means healthy baby, I mostly just feel happy...except for that moment a week or so ago when I discovered I could no longer fit into my stretchiest regular jeans, but what mom loves THAT experience?

Last year at the Dallas Arboretum.

Shep would NOT let go of his pumpkin under any circumstances.
 Shep is 22 months and starting to use sentences, almost all starting with "I want..." His favorite thing to do is push his trucks around our house literally ALL day long and torturing our poor dog by holding toys in front of her face and screaming "Ella NO!"  Since it's cooled off, we've been to the zoo, the arboretum and will go to the pumpkin patch soon! Fall...I love you.

This pregnancy has also been interesting because I'm much more emotional than I EVER was with cry at commercials or tear up looking at the elevator button that says NICU going to my Dr.'s been pretty comical and I've decided there is nothing to do but just go with it. Thankfully, Erron has jumped on the crazy train as well and is able to gently chuckle while his wife starts sobbing on the couch during random commercials.
22 Weeks...and taking advantage of an unconscious Shep, I rarely get to snuggle him.

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